Announcing: A new Aboriginal-led company and ARTD partnership!
It’s with great excitement that we share with you the news that Simon Jordan, our Director of Aboriginal Projects and Partnerships is launching Nama Jalu Consulting as an Aboriginal-led social enterprise, through which he will continue his work with and for Aboriginal communities and organisations. Simon will be joined by Holly Kovac and Kieran Sobels, who both have deep relationships with Aboriginal communities fostered over many years.
Our vision is for a more thoughtful world. We view Aboriginal self-determination as crucial to ensuring the voices of Aboriginal people are seen, heard and elevated into program and service design. This is the space in which Simon and the Aboriginal portfolio have excelled while they have been at ARTD, recognised through the awards they have won in partnership with Aboriginal community controlled organisations.
It is the right time for Simon to take this opportunity and he, Kieran and Holly go with our full support. We’re sad that one chapter is closing but are excited about the new chapter yet to be written.
Nama Jalu will be launched on 10 October 2022. ARTD and Nama Jalu will continue to work seamlessly together under a new partnership agreement to deliver the same high quality experience and deliverables for our existing clients. And we look forward to future opportunities to bring our skills and knowledge together, partnering to deliver Aboriginal-led consultation on projects that affects the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
About Nama Jalu Consulting
Nama Jalu in Bundjalung means to hold or embrace fire. Nama Jalu Consulting (NJ) is a majority Aboriginal owned and led Aboriginal Social Enterprise Consulting Company, led by Simon Jordan.
The Nama Jalu team has a depth of experience in Aboriginal led co-design, capacity building, strategy and program development, evidence building and trauma informed approaches and practice. They work with the Aboriginal Community Controlled Sectors, non-government organisations and government departments who are working to achieve sustainable and real change for Aboriginal people and communities. The Nama Jalu philosophy is that this change can only happen by Aboriginal people leading the way and working from the heart to achieve self-determination.
All of their work will be focused on achieving Aboriginal community outcomes and the majority of profits will be reinvested directly back into Aboriginal communities they work with. NJ has a particular capability and long-standing reputation in the areas of child protection, out of-home care, family preservation, housing and homelessness and trauma practice with Stolen Generation Survivors, descendants, and organisations.