
We work in the human services, education, health, transport and infrastructure, regional development, disability and environment sectors. Because social policy problems are complex and interconnected we often work with stakeholders across the sectors to develop and review cross-agency, whole-of-government and integrated policies and programs.


We are committed to environmental sustainability, a critical and emerging policy sector in Australia. We develop monitoring and evaluation frameworks for and conduct evaluations of local, state and national waste, recycling, water management and energy efficiency programs.

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Communities and Justice

We have worked with stakeholders across the justice and community safety sector, from local government crime prevention and social inclusion strategies to the development and evaluation of state-wide programs providing targeted early intervention and tertiary responses to domestic and family violence, youth justice programs and justice system reform initiatives.

We work sensitively and ethically with clients who have had contact with the justice system and frontline workers, as well as well as wider community and sector stakeholders, from government agencies to police, courts and funded support services.

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Education and Training

We have a long history of working in the education and training sector, evaluating national partnerships, statewide programs, and other targeted interventions and educational resources. A focus of our work is on strategies seeking to build the skills and confidence of young people to improve their educational outcomes.

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Transport, Infrastructure and Regional Development

We are experienced at working with the agencies responsible for delivering state and national transport, infrastructure and regional development. Our work includes delivering whole of portfolio performance reporting frameworks, monitoring and evaluation frameworks, evaluations and reviews of policies and programs. We bring to this work our expertise in working with diverse stakeholders, from industry representatives to community groups, and Aboriginal communities.

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Our approach to working in the disability sector reflects the principle of ‘nothing about us without us’, ensuring choice, voice and control of people with disability and older people. Our work has ranged from the development of regulatory systems to support the National Disability Insurance Scheme, through to co-design and evaluations with small NGOs receiving and seeking Information, Linkages and Capacity Building grants.

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First Nations

We are committed to giving voice to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, families and communities in research and evaluation. We have a deep level of expertise and cultural competence in working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities, drawing on our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander associates to lead project design and engagement. Our work ranges from grassroots, capacity-building partnerships with Aboriginal organisations, to state-wide evaluations of targeted programs and national monitoring and evaluation frameworks.

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Health and Aging

We have in-depth knowledge of the health and aged care sector, supporting system reform at the agency and state-wide levels, designing programs and monitoring systems for government and non-government organisations, and working directly with clients and workers. We bring expertise evaluating models of care, preventative health strategies and programs targeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

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Housing and homelessness

We have a long history with the social housing sector, developing the national community housing regulatory system, evaluating statewide housing reforms and programs targeting vulnerable groups, developing guidelines for tenant sustainability.

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Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

In line with major reforms, we bring a strong focus on the voice of lived experience to our work in the mental health and suicide prevention sectors. We draw on peer researchers and bring a deep understanding of recovery journey when designing and assessing programs. Our work ranges from organisational performance frameworks to evaluations of mental health and wellbeing programs and support services and models of stepped-care.

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