Consultation on NDIS Quality and Safeguards

Department of Social Services

Project timeframes: 2015–2016

The Challenge

The Productivity Commission’s inquiry report into Disability Care and Support recommended the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) replace existing disability support systems, which were underfunded, unfair, fragmented and inefficient, and which gave people with disability little choice and no certainty of access to appropriate supports.

In the NDIS market, participants choose their providers, rather than providers being contracted by government agencies. This means that many of the previous quality and safeguarding measures – managed through funding agreements – no longer apply. A new system was needed to replace these measures. As this represented a significant regulatory policy, with the potential to impact individuals, businesses and community organisations, a Regulation Impact Statement was needed.

The Objective

ARTD Consultants worked with governments to consult consumers, businesses and community organisations on options for the National Quality and Safeguarding Framework to inform a Regulation Impact Statement.

Our Approach

We supported the DSS, the National Disability Insurance Association (NDIA) and state and territory governments to consult with people with disability, their families and carers, as well as service providers and peak bodies around the country to identify appropriate quality and safeguarding settings. This included facilitating 16 public meetings in capital cities and regional locations in each state and territory and 7 provider meetings in locations around Australia, as well as reviewing data from 6 workshops with specific stakeholder groups, 220 submissions, 585 questionnaire responses and an online discussion forum. We used Auslan interpreters and closed captioning, as well as accessible venues, and supported submissions through multiple channels to ensure the process was accessible and inclusive.

We captured what people told us in the consultation report. We then worked with the government agencies to agree on the Framework design and roles and responsibilities, and helped edit the final framework.

The Impact

Our work supported the development of a new regulatory system for the NDIS. This Framework provides a nationally consistent approach that advances the rights of individuals with disabilities and their families by providing them with more information and tools to exercise choice and control and make informed decisions about the quality and suitability of providers.

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