Want to get under the hood of how a policy or program really generates outcomes?
At ARTD, we’ve long seen the value of applying a realist lens to evaluation. We understand the causal power of programs lies in the mechanisms they fire in certain contexts and that different things work for different people.
We think that a realist lens has huge potential to help policy makers better select appropriate approaches for particular contexts, and to adapt their policies and programs to different contexts. But we know it can be difficult to translate promise into practice.
That’s why we’re sponsoring this year’s International Conference for Realist Research, Evaluation and Synthesis in Brisbane this October 24–26.
Come along to the pre-conference workshop, ‘Introduction to realist evaluation’, with Director Andrew Hawkins on Monday 23 October to explore how policies and programs really generate change and what it means to take a realist approach. Or catch Andrew on ‘Testing realist program theory – quantitative and qualitative impact evaluation’ on Wednesday 25 October (11–11.45am).
If you’re at the conference, come and speak to one of our senior staff. If you can’t make it, catch up on conference highlights on Twitter and the ARTD blog.