Find out more about the projects being funded to support the transition to the NDIS
Wondering how people with disability and their families, as well as service providers are being supported to make the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme? What about initiatives to grow the market and develop innovative support options that respond to the choices of people with disability?
The NDIA, the Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments are undertaking a range of activities to support the transition. A Sector Development Fund was also established to fund activities that support the transition between 2012–13 and 2017–18. Combined, these activities will assist in the establishment of a flourishing disability support market that offers people with disability choice and control.
To date, a range of initiatives supporting people with disability and their families, providers, and workforce and market growth have been funded through the Sector Development Fund. You can find out more about what these activities are and access the resources they have produced through ARTD’s profiles of the funded projects now on the NDIS website